Projects - Huntington Creek Sedimentation & Debris Basins


  • Permitting
  • Right of Way
  • Funding

These basins were installed in response to the Seeley Fire that burned 48,000 acres on Forest Service land. This area is part of the Huntington Creek water shed and it caused sediment and debris to be swept down into Huntington Creek. It was extremely important to quickly determine solutions to help with the water quality and the future safety of property owners downstream. The goal of the two basins was to remove sediment and debris from the river. The upper basin consisted of a trash rack structure, sedimentation basin, dam, and spillway structure. The lower basin consisted of two radial gates, sedimentation basin, dam, and spillway structure. J&T and local agencies worked with the BLM, State, and Federal agencies to complete the NEPA process and acquire encroachment permits and right of way permits to complete the project In order to acquire permits, downstream mitigation projects to enhance wetlands were conducted that consisted of berm repair and cross vane installation. The project was funded by NRCS and local government.

Johansen & Tuttle Engineering

90 South 100 East | Castle Dale, Utah 84513
(435) 381-2523 |